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#3 Bottle Joe

Authors: Jérémy Laffon & Elvia Teotski (with texts by Jason Heroux)
Design: Jérémy Glatre & Rudy Guedj

Printing: Softcover with flaps, book printed in CMYK neon
Edition: 500
160 pages
180×260 mm
ISBN: 979-10-93306-05-6

During their residency at Est-Nord-Est in Saint-Port-Joli, Quebec, Elvia Teotski and Jérémy Laffon stumble upon a small shed that seems inhabited but find no trace of its resident Bottle Joe. The artists start to investigate the building and create a series of sculptural yet functional wooden prostheses for its abandoned furniture. Through a drunk photographic journey and a series texts written from the perspective of the mysterious Joe, the publication keeps on zooming in and out of the building and its surrounding environment to account of the temporary monumentalisation of the place and its former inhabitant.

⭐ Selected as one of the Best Dutch Books 2020 (student jury)